
Choosing the Right Plumber This Holiday Season

Three Musts to Look for in a Plumbing Company

The holiday season is here, and with many homeowners and their families welcoming guests into their homes, it is important to ensure that things are in tip-top shape. Part of ensuring this involves checking in on the home plumbing systems. However, finding the right plumbing service may not be as easy as people think.

Sure, it is easy enough to search “plumber near me,” but navigating through the search results and finding professional plumbers who know what they are doing can be a bit of a challenge. Fret not, though! A handful of pro tips can help homeowners choose the right plumber this holiday season. Continue reading to learn the top 3!

Positive Reviews Overall

First and foremost, as with many things in the service industry, it is important to look at the company reviews. Consulting reviews from sites like Google, Facebook, and more can help homeowners get a clear picture straight away of how customers feel about the business and what their experiences have been like.

Of course, no company is perfect, and there can be some outlier reviews from customers who may not have been happy with some aspect of the business. Extreme viewpoints are customary with review sites. However, the reviews should be positive overall - otherwise, this is a pretty big red flag. Be on the lookout specifically for descriptors like “fair,” “prompt,” and “professional,” as these are some of the most important qualities to look for in a plumbing company.

Insurance and Licenses

Next, it is important for homeowners looking up a plumbing company in San Jose to ensure that the company is fully licensed and insured. Licensing will mean that these plumbers are qualified in their work. After all, if they were inept, they would not have been able to earn their license! This will also prove that they have the most up-to-date industry best practices.

Additionally, insurance is important because issues can arise, and mistakes can happen. Full insurance will protect homeowners as customers and plumbers as a business. Insurance and licenses are a must - if a San Jose plumber does not have these, homeowners should most certainly look elsewhere.

Inquire About Maintenance Plans!

Last but not least, homeowners should be sure to inquire about plumbing maintenance plans. While these are not always offered, these are a great way to ensure consistent attention to the home plumbing systems to operate at peak efficiency and functionality.

These plans will typically include an upfront cost that will ultimately cover regular maintenance checks and certain repairs. It can save homeowners a significant amount of money in the long run, as well as many headaches that they otherwise might get if their plumbing systems malfunction as a result of neglect!

About Miracle Plumbing Inc.

Miracle Plumbing Inc. of San Jose, CA is a family-owned and operated business providing quality plumbing solutions since 1992. With a specialization in residential repairs, their team of experts believes that no project is too big or too small. They provide accurate solutions, honest pricing, and top-notch service for each client. Call them today for plumbing help in San Jose, CA!